Conferencia, India, Africa y la seguridad alimentaria . Entre dos cumbres – 10 – 11 Enero 2011 – Mumbai (Bombay) – India

5/01/2011 | Agenda

Los días 10 y 11 de enero se celebrará en la ciudad india de Mumbai ( Bombay) una conferencia convocada por el Nordiska Africa institutet y special unit for south south cooperation de la UNDP en al que dentro del plano de LA cooperación sur -sur se abordarán los temas que afectan a las relaciones en el ámbito alimentario entre la India y los paises africanos.


(en inglés)

Day 1

January 10, 2011, Conference Hall- Vista,

30 Floor, Centre 1, World Trade Centre

10.15- 10.30 Registration and Coffee

10.30- 10.35 Welcome Address: Renu Modi, Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai

Inaugural Session

Chairperson: Fantu Cheru ( Nordiska Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden)

10.35- 11.00 Gurjeet Singh (MEA, GoI), India’s role in capacity building in Africa with a special focus on the agricultural sector

11.00- 11.20 Francisco Simplicio ( Plenary speaker, UNDP) South-South Cooperation: a different way to share development gains

11.20- 11.40 Sam Moyo ( Plenary speaker, Zimbabwe) Agrarian transformation in Africa and its recolonisation

12.05- 12.20 Discussion

Health Break

Session 2: Indian Engagement in Agriculture in Africa

Chairperson: A.O. Kuruvila (Deputy Director – Research), WTC

12.30- 12.45 Consulate Generals of Ethiopia, Name Agriculture Sector: India and Ethiopia

12.45- 01.00 Consulate of Uganda, Agriculture sector: India and Uganda

01.00- 01.20 Mr Prahlathan ( Desig? Asst. General Manager),Potential for investment in Africa: Role of EXIM Bank, EXIM Bank

01.20- 01.40 P. Soman (Senior Vice-President), Jain Irrigation: ( Title?)Their Africa Experience

01.40- 02.00 Discussions

02.00 – 02.45 Lunch

Session 3: India- Africa: Trade, Investments and Civil Society

Chairperson: Dessalgne Rehmato (Researcher, Private Consultant), Ethiopia

02.45- 03.00 Milan Sharma (IL&FS): Private Sector Agribusiness Investment Opportunities on Africa

03. 00- 03.15 Sanjukta Bhattacharya India-Africa trade and collaboration in agriculture: the role of SME

03. 15- 03. 30 Sanusha Naidu, Role of Civil Society in Food Security Debate

03. 30- 03.45 Chambi Chachage, Civil Society and Media Coverage of Indian Engagement in Agriculture and Related Sector in Tanzania

03.45- 04.15 Discussion and Q&A

Sightseeing around Fort Area for about an hour, drive past Rajabai Tower, India Gate , Taj and Marine Drive, Confrence Dinner

Day 2

January 11, 2011, ICSSR Conference Room, University of Mumbai, Kalina
10.15- 10.30 Rajan M. Welukar ( Vice Chancellor, University of Mumbai), Address ( tbc)

10.30- 10.35 Plenary Address: Fantu Cheru: Catalyzing Agricultural Transformation in Africa, (Research Director, Nordiac Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden)

10:30-10. 45 Tea Break

Session 1: Indian Private Companies in Africa: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Chairperson: Sam Moyo, Agrarian transformation in Africa and its Recolonisation Zimbabwe, (Executive Director, African Institute for Agrarian Studies)

10.45- 10.55 Gisbert Oonk (University of Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Agricultural Production in East Africa: The Development of Asian Owned Sisal Estates in Tangyanika

10.55- 11.05 Renu Modi (University of Mumbai) Contribution of Indians in the Agricultural Sector in Kenya and Uganda

11.05- 11.15 Euston Chiputa (University of Zambia) Indian Pvt.

companies in the agriculture sector in Zambia, 1964-2010

11.15- 11.25 Alexander Vadala (Research Scholar, University of Oslo)
International Land acquisition and food security: India and Ethiopia

11.25- 11.45 Discussion

11.45-12. 00 Tea Break

Session 2: Food security and Africa: Case studies


12.00- 12. 10 Parto Kronner (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Food security or Meal security? a gender perspective with case studies from Sudan,

Sightseeing around Fort Area for about an hour, drive past Rajabai Tower, India Gate , Taj and Marine Drive, Confrence Dinner

12.10– 12. 20

Mats Harsmar (Uppsala University) Measuring hunger severity in 18 African countries during the food price crisis of 2007 – 2008

12. 20- 12.30

Manendra Sahu (University of Mumbai) South-South Cooperation and Biofuel: Towards energy self-sufficiency

12.30- 12.40

Elisa Greco (Research Scholar, L’Orientale Naples) A Tanzanian regional corporation- notes for a preliminary study

12.40- 12. 50

Darlene Mutalemwa (Mzumbe University) Assessing Kilimo Kwanza: Tanzania ’s Green Revolution

12. 50 – 01. 15


01. 15- 2.00


02.00- 02.15

Alexandra Arkhangelskaya, India Africa SSC in the framework of IBSA in the agriculture sector, Researcher, Russian Academy of Sciences

02.15- 02.30

Dessalgne Rehmato, Ethiopia: Land Grabs and Foreign Investors, Forum For Social Studies, Addis Ababa

02.30- 02.45

Simon Freemantle, India’s private sector involvement : the competitive advantage in providing agro-industrial solutions to Africa’s food security dilemma, Economist Africa


High Tea

LUGAR: Mumbai (Bombay) – India

FECHA: 10 -11 Enero 2011

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