El 14 de mayo en la capital británica se celebrará un simposium sobre Ruanda , con el título de «Aprendiendo del pasado, analizando el presente y visualizando el futuro» en la que habrá mesas redondas y debates .
PROGRAMA (en inglés)
? Political participation,
? Human Rights,
? Reconciliation and
?Inter-Rwandan dialogue.
Moderator: Mr. Gervais Condo (RNC)
1. Mr. Gervais Condo – Tolerance and reconciliation
2. Professor Emmanuel Hakizimana – Lopsided and conflicting priorities between Education and Political Image Building.
Competition between luxury living for leaders and social emancipation.
3. Mr. Paul Rusesabagina – Political participation
4. Dr Theogene Rudasingwa (RNC)
5. Mr. Sixbert Musangafura (FDU)
6. Ms. Prudentienne Seward – Reconciliation and Forgiveness: (PAX)
7. Mr. Jonathan Musonera – Reconciliation and Forgiveness (RNC)
8. Miss Raissa Ujeneza – Young People Participation
9. Dr Gerald Gahima – Justice and Remembrance: (RNC)
10. Lt General Kayumba Nyamwasa & Col. Patrick Karegeya – Peace and Security: (RNC)
11. Mrs Marie Lyse Numuhoza (Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom)
Master of Ceremony on the day: Mr. Noble Marara
All Rwandans and friends are invited at that historic conference which will be held at: Oxford House – Main Hall Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green, London E2 6HG
To book your place, please send contact:
LUGAR: Oxford House – Main Hall Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green, London E2 6HG
FECHA: 14 Mayo 2011 11:00 – 17:00 Horas