Entre los días 6 al 10 de octubre de 2008 se celebrará en la Universidad de León la II Conferencia Internacional « Afroeuropeos : Culturas e Identidades.
En esta conferencia Internacional tomarán parte destacados africanistas de distintas universidades europeas.
Panel 1: Guinea Ecuatorial
• A Kiss of Death: The Perils of Migrancy in Donato Ndongo’s Metro. Maurice Frank O’CONNOR, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain.
• Where does exile begin? The nameless protagonist in Las tinieblas de tu memoria negra and Los poderes de la tempestad among traditions & modernity, home & distance. Mischa G. HENDEL, Universidad de Viena, Austria.
• An approach to the concept of identity in the novels Cenizas de Kalabó y termes and Autorretrato con un infiel by José Fernando Siale Djangany. Naomi MCLEOD, University of St Andrews, Scotland.
• Adjá-Adjá y otros relatos: being a picaro in contemporary Equatorial Guinea. Jorge BERÁSTEGUI WORD, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
Panel 2: Mujeres en la diaspora
• Gender, Family, and Nation in Aminatta Forna’s Ancestor Stones. Pilar CUDER DOMÍNGUEZ, Universidad de Huelva, Spain.
• Anxiety, Fear, Despair: The Experiences of a Biafran Family in the Diaspora during the Nigeria/Biafra Civil War As Portrayed in Momah’s Titi: Biafran Maid in Geneva. Terri OCHIAGHA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
• The Black Atlantic Revisited: Sex, religion and diaspora in Helen Oyeyemi’s The Opposite House. Asunción ARAGÓN VARO. Universidad de Cádiz, Spain.
Martes 7 Octubre
Panel 3: España Post colonial?
• «That amorphous mass:» Images of Africa and of African Peoples in Spain 1939-1975. Isabel ALONSO BRETO & Marta ORTEGA SÁEZ, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
• “Afroespañoles” y migrantes en el imperio: la necesaria descolonización de la España poscolonial. Fernando BARBOSA RODRIGUES & Almudena CORTÉS MAISONAVE, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
• A Grain of Wheat (1967/1986), de Ngugi wa Thiong’o en español: Un grano de trigo (2006) y algunas reflexiones sobre la traducción de literatura africana. Juan Miguel Zarandona, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain.
Panel 4: Mujeres escritoras africanas
• Territorios periféricos y potencial femenino subversivo en las novelas africanas escritas por mujeres. Bibián PÉREZ RUIZ
• La infamia para Ser. Una lectura de Trilogía de Argel, de Yasmina Khadra. Nayra Pérez Hernández, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
• ‘Colouredness’ and race as regulatory practice in Zoë Wicomb’s David’s Store. María Jesús López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain.
Panel 5: Afroespañoles.
A round table with Toni Romero, Helena Jones, Dayami
Panel 6: Black France
• Otherness and the Limits of Tolerance in Claire de Duras’s Ourika. Mohamed KAMARA. Wahington and Lee University, USA.
• Le ventre de l’Atlantique: l’espace symbolique de Fatou Diome. Valeria TARQUINI. University Roma Tre, Italy.
• Afropean Soul: a jazzy jive diasporan aesthetic. Alix PIERRE. Morris Brown College, USA.
Miercoles, 8 Octubre
Panel 7: Outsiders and Inner Exiles.
• Freedom, dignity and human rights in Buchi Emecheta and in Adélaïde Fassinou. Erica TACCHINO, University of Genova, Italy
• Female migration in Buchi Emecheta’s Second-Class Citizen and The Family. Mar GALLEGO, Universidad de Huelva, Spain
• “Unhomed” at Home: Cultural Hybridity as Experienced by African Women in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions and Buchi Emecheta’s Kehinde. Irene PAGOLA, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
• La identidad afrocubana en la narrativa cubana para niños: temas y personajes. Aymée RIVERA PÉREZ, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
Panel 8: Theoretical Insights.
• Global Black Cultural Mythology: Intersections of Legacy and Heroics in the African Diaspora. Christel N. Temple, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA.
• Diasporic African Arts and the Internet. Daniela Mellora, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Jueves 9 Octubre
Panel 9: Queer Afroeurope
A round table with Valerie Mason John, Dorotea Smartt and ?.
Panel 10: Dislocaciones europeas
• Inequality in the German Labour Market- Acculturative stress of Afro-Germans and Migrants with European Origin. Nkechi MADUBUKO, M.A. Philipps- University of Marburg
• Africa(ns) in Finland and in Finnish non-fiction? Anna RASTAS, Dr.Soc.Sc., University of Tampere, Finland.
• ‘A lot of my friends from Africa hate being black they’d rather be white cause then they fit in they’d be accepted’: Exploring students voices on citizenship and identity. Romana Khaoury, Queens University Belfast, Ireland
Panel 11: Musica, Cine y Teatro
• Black Jazz Musicians in Europe: Migration and Contemporary Afroeuropean Interactions. Joseph MCLAREN
• Lisboa, Lisboetas e Portugueses. Joana PASSOS, Universidade do Mihno, Portugal
• Patience Agbabi – Crossing Borders: Words on the Page and Words on the Stage. Sheree MACK
• Fighting for human rights: The Carib-Brit dub poetry of Linton Kwesi Johnson. Sara PAROLAI, Università di Genova, Italy.
Panel 12: Presencia africana en la literatura negra británica
• Caryl Phillips’ New Europe. Dr. Donald M. MORALES
• Amazing Grace: The Ghosts of Newton, Equiano and Barber in Caryl Phillips’s Fiction. Sofía MUÑOZ VALDIVIESO, Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
• Rediscovering African Presence in Europe through black British Narratives. Francesca GIOMMI, University of Padua
• Cristopher Okigbo’s Labyrinths: a meeting point between African and European Poetry. Paula GARCÍA RAMÍREZ, Universidad de Jaén, Spain.
Mas Información:
Organiza : Dra. Marta Sofía López. Dpto. Filología Moderna. Universidad de León. Campus de Vegazana